Thursday, January 6, 2022

Christmas 2021

This Christmas break we traveled over 2800 miles. Seth has become really talkative and interactive and enjoyed playing with lots of family.

He made ornaments

Decorated cookies

Decorated the Christmas tree

Made gingerbread houses

One of his rare car naps

He got a new church outfit

We went to the zoo

He loves Christmas lights or "Merry Chrispmups Lights"

Magic Moutain

He rode a truck

And a plane

And his first rollercoaster

And the planes again

Then we saw the Magic Mountain Christmas Lights

LA Visitors' Center and Temple lights

Christmas Eve

LA Zoo Lights in the rain

Hot cocoa after a rainy zoo trip

He loved playing with his cousins

He shared a bed with Daddy

When we got home, the first thing he wanted to do was play in the snow


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Best Pics of Seth's Year

Today is Seth's birthday party, and I put together a slide show of some of his best pictures over the last year. He has changed so much!

Seth's 2nd Year

Monday, July 5, 2021

4th of July Weekend

When the 4th of July is on a Sunday, Rexburg celebrates on Saturday. On Saturday we went to a parade, on the way we stopped at the park which had a small petting zoo, a kid train, and more. Then we went to the lake for grilling and swimming. Then we watched fireworks that night. Sunday we went to church, then relaxed. That night we went to a grill and street firework show.

Monday, April 19, 2021

New Bike Seat

 We finally got a bike seat for Seth. He loves bikes and he loves his seat. 

He also wants to do everything that we do.

He loves his new hat

And using the computer, especially looking at bikes, or Dory.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Weekend

 We went down to Utah this Easter/General Conference weekend. Seth joined in a few different Easter egg hunts and played with some family.