Monday, July 29, 2019

2 Week Appointment

Seth had his 2 week appointment. He got his tongue-tie snipped and a prick in the heel, poor guy.
He is now 9lb 4.5oz and 22.5in (>99th Percentile), he is long!
Grumpy Face


Friday, July 26, 2019



So Full

He loves to stare outside when it's light out and he likes to be outside

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Thursday July 18
We went to the lactation specialist and Seth was down to 7lb 11oz, a whole pound. We were having trouble feeding because he is tongue tied.

Tuesday July 23
We went back to the lactation specialist. She hoped he would have gained 5oz, he gained 17oz. She was amazed. He made it back to birth weight before 2 weeks. Still need to fix his tongue tie to lessen the pain of feeding, but he is healthy.

Baby's First Bath

His umbilical chord came off today, so he got his first bath. He was calm, but looked very concerned.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Welcome Home

Doctors Appointment

Little taste of sun on Mom

Passed out in the hammock

Up late

Bottoms Up

Baby's First Code

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hospital Stay

His forehead was so long from his head facing up during birth and he had to wear his hat that first day.

Skin to skin with Dad
