Saturday, July 10, 2021

Best Pics of Seth's Year

Today is Seth's birthday party, and I put together a slide show of some of his best pictures over the last year. He has changed so much!

Seth's 2nd Year

Monday, July 5, 2021

4th of July Weekend

When the 4th of July is on a Sunday, Rexburg celebrates on Saturday. On Saturday we went to a parade, on the way we stopped at the park which had a small petting zoo, a kid train, and more. Then we went to the lake for grilling and swimming. Then we watched fireworks that night. Sunday we went to church, then relaxed. That night we went to a grill and street firework show.

Monday, April 19, 2021

New Bike Seat

 We finally got a bike seat for Seth. He loves bikes and he loves his seat. 

He also wants to do everything that we do.

He loves his new hat

And using the computer, especially looking at bikes, or Dory.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Weekend

 We went down to Utah this Easter/General Conference weekend. Seth joined in a few different Easter egg hunts and played with some family.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Easter Party

 We decorated cookies and had an Easter egg hunt in our play group.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Big Bed/St. Patrick's Day

 At the beginning of the month Seth finally outgrew his pack n play (crib). We found him a twin bed and he learned how to climb out of bed the first day. Meaning he can get out of bed safely, but also he can get out whenever he wants. We had a whole two days without naps until we started locking the door to teach him to stay in his room until nap/night time is over. Now we don't need to lock him, he just plays in bed until he falls asleep.

I decided to make him a quilt like the one I made with Grandma Marshall. I ordered fabric, borrowed a sewing machine, and spend two long days sewing, stitching, and tying his quilt. I had help tying though, my friend Ashlie and her husband helped tying. It is a large quilt, bigger than twin size, so it should last him a long time. 

Here are some St. Patrick's Day pics

Look how much he's grown this year

And here is his winter growth

Making Pizza!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Seth, Phineas and Ferb

We've been watching Phineas and Ferb, and Seth loves it, mostly for the music. I decided to draw Seth as a character. Here he is with Phineas and Ferb.


New Haircut

 Seth got a new haircut this week. We also had a nice day out today, it was sunny and 28 degrees so we went to the park. We also got him a little table and he spent hours just sitting there drawing.

Monday, February 1, 2021


    I finally got around to adding some winter pictures. Seth loves going outside, no matter how cold it is. He loves playing in the snow and watching dogs play at the dog house behind our apartment. He wants to go outside all day. Even when it's below 20.
    He is also talking a bit, he says night night, cookie, more, down, yay, oh no, bye, dog, outside, snow, I stuck, what's that, and a few other things. He brings me a book at night time and sits on my lap to read and he likes to turn the pages.